Saturday, 13 August 2011

Moth Trap in Den's Garden at Westerham

Denis paid me a visit last night for a few hours and as he left I offered him my Moth Trap to try out in his back garden, he gladly accepted the offer, so at 7.30 this morning I made my way to Westerham in the rain but was not disappointed when I got there. Below are a few of the moths that were within, some I have Id'd but I am not 100% certain of my Id's so any input would be gratefully received.

Click on pictures to enlarge:

Common Wainscott

Dotted Border Wave

Endotricha Flammealis

Yponomeuta Gagnagella?
Willow Beauty?
Rhyaclonia Buuchiana

Dark Arches
As Above

Lesser Broadbodied Yellow Underwing

Thanks, and as I said any input is great.

Thanks to Dean and Peter for their input


  1. the white and black spotted thing is a bird cherry ermine, the nondescript brown and black thing is a flounced rustic and the last one is a lesser broad bordered yellow underwing, dunno the other one

  2. Hi again
    Dunno if that is a common wainscot, its likely but there are a number of similar looking ones, maybe someoen else can help , that was an interesting mix
    Anytime you want your patio dug up Nancy's your girl!
    Marsh Harrier over here yesterday, local gulls in a mighty panic!!

  3. Phil, i finally got round to having a look at your moths for you ;

    1 - Common Winscot
    2- Dotted Border Wave
    3 - Endotricha flammealis
    4 - hard to tell from that angle, but one of the micro Ermines
    5 - Willow Beauty
    6 - Rhyacionia buoliana
    7 - Dark Arches
    8 - Dark Arches
    9 - Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
